This blogspot has been set up to honor Kathy!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Monday and Tuesday

Yesterday was amazing. Sometimes it feels like things are just so hard for Kathy that she couldn't possibly go on an adventure but she continues to surprise us.

Monday we set out around noon to meet with the Putnam Land Conservancy board/members at the property that Kathy has been working so hard to acquire. She spoke for quite a while with about what had been done for the project and what was still outstanding. She has devoted herself for a couple of years now to this this conservation project and she is really disappointed that it is so close to fruition and she may not live to see it completed. Being able to visit the property and speak to everyone was a relief to her. One less thing to worry about and you know how she is.. she is still continuing to take care of everything.

While I was speaking on the phone to her today she stopped and asked her sister what she was looking for and then Kathy told her - third drawer on the left. She is still the leader and we are still her gang trying to keep up with her.

Today the team met with Dr. Dunbar about whom we have heard wonderful things. Kathy confirmed that it was all true. She is going to take over Kathy's care and is happy with that. Kathy is hoping that she goes soon and peacefully. None of us want her to go but we do want her to be happy and peaceful.

The hospice nurse was over today and things are getting a little more organized and peaceful.

Caroline is bringing over cupcakes with oreo sunflowers on them.

Christy is bringing chicken jambalaya for dinner for them tomorrow.

If you feel like cooking up a meal for the gang, let us know. I am trying to set it up for every other day... dinner for 8. We usually try to have it there by 6pm.


  1. Hi Kathy,

    greetings from good old Germany. I'm sorry to hear about your condition and wish you all the best for a timely recovery. I wish I could come for a visit but I will stay here in Germany to investigate the solar industry until the Sunshine State starts funding solar again.

    But I'll keep thinking about you and will send you prayers from this side of the Atlantic. Please pass on my thanks to your friends who setup your blog. This way, I can follow your recovery.

    I look forward to seeing you again at a GEAC or city commission meeting.

    Take care,


  2. I would just like to take a moment to thank the ladies that are keeping the blog up to date. Those of us far away are anxious to know what's going on, but I hate to call and add to what must be a very busy time for everyone. Aunt Kathy, I hope that you get your wishes although selfishly, I don't want to see you go. Continued love, hugs, and prayers are coming from up North.


  3. it was lovely to see you at the w/end kathy - brimming with life - you are a shining light surrounded by angels
    miranda xxx

  4. Sorry we missed Kathy and Crew at UCG on Sunday. I, Helen, just found out about Kathy's condition yesterday and Flo found info on this blog tonight. We are both glad to see this blog for blessings and good wishes. Kathy, you are such a hero to so many! hugs, kisses, hugs

  5. Kathy, You have given so much to your friends and to the community. You have lived your live with passion and commitment. Now it is beautiful to see everyone come together for you. I admire you so much for your bravery and the love you inspire in others. I hope I can come to visit you soon. Love, Jane

  6. Praying for your desire of a quick and peaceful passing my friend.
    "No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind can imagine what God has prepared for those who love Him" 1 cor 2:9
    Save me a seat at the table!
    Thanks for being there for my sister for the past 18 years. I love you Kathy!

  7. We would like to send our best wishes to Kathy and Julia. Hope our chanting energy can give them support and encouragement. May Kathy be freed from any danger, may her mind and body be well.

    All of us only have this moment, please do not throw it away by living in an imagined future. May all of us especially Julia, Kathy's family and their friends share our love with Kathy.

    Kwan Seum Bosal, Kwan Seum Bosal, Kwan Seum Bosal, Kwan Seum Bosal,
    Kwan Seum Bosal, Kwan Seum Bosal, Kwan Seum Bosal, Kwan Seum Bosal,
    Kwan Seum Bosal, Kwan Seum Bosal….

    Yours in The Dharma,
    Su Bong Zen Monastery

  8. I was deeply moved by the request on behalf of Kathy Cantwell and Julia Thaler. I am chanting for them both.

    John Parker

  9. Kwan Seum Bosal Kwan Seum Bosal Kwan Seum Bosal Kwan Seum Bosal Kwan Seum Bosal Kwan Seum Bosal
    Kwan Seum Bosal Kwan Seum Bosal Kwan Seum Bosal

    for Kathy and Julia. On behalf of our Guiding Teacher, Thom Pastor, J.D.P.S.N., and the sangha, Zen Center of Las Vegas will chant for them in this difficult time.

    Yours In The Dharma,
    Karen Rennick
    Zen Center of Las Vegas

  10. Kathy and Julie, You are in my thoughts as always. Love, Mary & Keith

  11. Hugs to you, Kathy and Julie, and to all your dear, dear friends! My heart goes out to you - reaching that quiet, silent, loving center. You may not have known it, Kathy, but you have always been so special to me - hence all the hugs I love to give you. Blessings on your continued journey, moment by moment, and I am so loving that sweet smile, light, and warmth that always reaches out to so many! Love, Vicki Duncan

  12. Kathy-

    We are sending Loving energy to you, Julie and all of the other beautiful people there with you.

    Freddie & Peggy

  13. Hi Kathy

    You were one of the first people I met when I moved to Gainesville. I was so impressed with your passion and dedication to the environment, and I still am. I appreciate the kindness you have shown me over the years and I have so enjoyed working with you on the Alachua County Forever Program. My thoughts are with you and Julie.

  14. Kathy,

    Hugs to you and Julie. I just heard about your health concerns and this blog through UCG. You and yours are in my thoughts & prayers. I look forward to seeing you at the HIPP on Monday evening. Blessings, Susan Eichner
