This blogspot has been set up to honor Kathy!

Monday, June 21, 2010

Dinner spreadsheet

I don't know why but sometimes you have to refresh (or reload) the page if you get an error or are asked to sign in when you click on the link.


  1. A Poem for Cathy

    Roses are Red
    Our hearts are blue
    It hurts so much
    To lose someone like you!

    For all you have done
    For the Nature Deficient
    And those that you love
    A mere thanks is just not sufficient!

    When you are gone
    And in that special place
    You will always be remembered
    For you’re remarkable grace!

    Thanks for your example
    And making us smile
    And letting us be there
    As you go the next mile!

  2. How blessed you are in this life, to have so many adoring friends. And from all we hear, you are very deserving if them. May the laughter and tears give you a "soft place to lie" as you go to that better place ahead. Everything there will be as it should be and you wil be able to rest and not work as hard as you did here to keep things as God intended. Many are thankful for you, kathy.
