This blogspot has been set up to honor Kathy!

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Back home and a challenge from Tammy

Julie and Lorelei returned from their journey - giddy with stories of beauty in nature. We gathered that same night (Friday) on the back porch as we had done so many times since that dreadful first meeting in May.

Julie asked us all to "check in". It's kind of like having to go to the doctor for a check up. I don't know that anyone wanted to do it but we did and it was good. Each person talked about where they were at. Some spoke of Kathy, some not.

In the last month since Kathy's death, many many people have come forward with stories of how Kathy's words about being in nature have effected their lives. Tammy talked about it that night and the next morning sent this challenge to us all.

To bring to your daily life the energy (adrenalin) that you tapped into while out in nature. When you hear the hawk scream to you stop and take it in / listen. When the wind blows the scent of fall take a deep breath. When the sky opens up and displays a full moon, a zillion stars, and the blinding glare of the sun take a mental picture. When it rains take a walk and feel each drop on your skin. Don't let the daily routines that are required of us just to survive overshadow what really matters ---- living.


  1. Thanks Tammy. I will try to take up that challenge.

  2. Thank You.
    For a good and wise reminder.
