This blogspot has been set up to honor Kathy!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Time to rest

Kathy's doctor suggested to everyone today that Kathy may be lingering because people are around her and has suggested that we leave her by herself for a while. It makes sense and certainly people are tired but we will feel a loss not being together by her side.

Julie and Sue (Kathy's sister) kindly request that no one visit Kathy at Hospice.

Once again, thank you for your kindness.

We will let you know how it goes.


  1. I am sending the biggest of hugs to my Mom and Julie... as well as the others who have been so dedicated (near and far.) I'm so glad that Aunt Kathy has been so loved and protected.

  2. Bless you all, and Kathy, of course.

  3. Thank you so much for your postings.
    Hanging on every word,

  4. Kathy, we will be with you again soon. Love you and will miss you terribly. We will all take care of Julie! Go in peace my friend!

  5. More prayers going up tonight for our Beloved Comrade and team.

  6. So, here's a "woo-woo" moment for everyone. Last night, as I lay in my bed, crying for Aunt Kathy and more for those of us who are left behind. I had my arms outstretched and asked for help in dealing with this loss. My right hand began to tingle, noticeably. After contemplating whether this might be the onset of a stroke, I again asked for help, and again the right hand tingled. I have felt much more at peace ever since. I know that she is here with me and already at peace (and still working to help others- glad she didn't smack me in the head, LOL!)

  7. To Kathy and Julie,
    Kathy, you have been the "wind beneath the wings" of so many ~~~ now you will have wind beneath your wings from all who love you and will miss you. Take flight and rest now. Many will be here for Julie for whatever,whenever she needs anything. I'm here, also, for you Julie if I can help in ANY way. Pam Thrift

  8. At Great Pond by Mary Oliver

    At Great Pond
    the sun, rising,
    scrapes his orange breast
    on the thick pines,
    and down tumble
    a few orange feathers into
    the dark water.
    On the far shore
    a white bird is standing
    like a white candle ---
    or a man, in the distance,
    in the clasp of some meditation ---
    while all around me the lilies
    are breaking open again
    from the black cave
    of the night.
    Later, I will consider
    what I have seen ---
    what it could signify ---
    what words of adoration I might
    make of it, and to do this
    I will go indoors to my desk ---
    I will sit in my chair ---
    I will look back
    into the lost morning
    in which I am moving, now,
    like a swimmer,
    so smoothly,
    so peacefully,
    I am almost the lily ---
    almost the bird vanishing over the water
    on its sleeves of night.

  9. This beautiful quote was sent to me today out of the blue (or maybe not):
    "Seeing death as the end of life is like seeing the horizon as the end of the ocean."
    (by David Searls)

  10. It was so comforting to see my favorite photo of Kathy posted for everyone to enjoy. Thanks so much.

    It was so devastating not to be able to see Kathy one more time when I came down to deliver the "eco-yacht" I'm donating in her honor, but she had just checked into hospice and I didn't want to disturb her.

    I hope someone can relay this message to Sue or Julia so they can whisper it into Kathy's ear.

    Dear Kathy,
    Your friendship and support for the past 30-plus years has meant the world to me. Thank you for helping me prepare for this transition in our undying friendship. I know you are ready. Don't linger for us. I hope you can feel my long-distance embrace. I'll continue looking for our birthday bear.
